Sunday, May 3, 2009

Even got a bit of knitting done

Not a whole heck of a lot going on this week. Short post this one will be.

Finished my lace ribbon scarf, after nearly an entire year. It's 8 1/2 feet long, somehow I'm not surprised it took me a year to get it done. But it is beautiful, and I love having it at last.

Lace ribbon on banister

Now I've started on my invisibility shawl. Not crazy about the color, a bit too pink for me. I may over dye it, or I may decide it's not so bad after I get it all laid out. I am enjoying the pattern, so I'll try not to worry too much about the color at this point.

And I've just spent my entire afternoon re-organizing my flickr page, so please feel free to click on over and see how it looks. I finally paid up and got the pro account. There are definitely things I would do differently (it's hard to move photos around) but I do think it's easy to share photos from there and link them into my blog, so I won't complain too much.

Newest addiction on my list, twitter. Love it, do it all the time. Come on over & follow me, still trying to figure out how to get those cute little buttons on the side of my posts, til then, just follow the link.

Funniest picture ever of my newest addition, Jack cat. Love him.

Laughing Jack