Saturday, January 24, 2009

Magic it aint!

The magic slipper debacle has commenced. It took me the better part of the afternoon to untangle some lovely yarn that my cat had decided looked like a wonderfully fun toy (why can't I learn to put it away???) and wound into a ball. The easy part was the knitting of the sole of the slipper. Just back & forth & it was done.
Slipper sole
Picking up the stitches was where I had the most difficulty. I am not that good at it, need more practice. But I finally got them all picked up and onto the needles to start going in the round.
Slipper bottom
From there it was pretty easy. Just 15 rounds and you're done!
Done slipper2
The issue is that 1) I think the slipper is too big for a newborn and 2) I don't have enough yarn to make the other slipper! I suppose I could try one more time on smaller needles. Or perhaps she needs some burping cloths or something like that in addition to the hat I already have done? Babies burp up a lot of stuff, right?

So in the way of projects that actually have a chance of getting completed sometime in the near future, please see this lovely piece of knitting!
Cable & Eyelet hat cables start
It's the Hermione Cable & Eyelet hat that can be found here. The pattern is free & very nice, but I'm loving it mostly because of the yarn I chose. There may be nothing better in the whole wide world than Debbie Bliss. Okay, okay, I'm a Malabrigo junkie, too, but this stuff is pretty sweet to work with.

I am also very excited to mention that one of the doctors at work has expressed an interest in learning to knit! She found and says she fell in love with all the scarves. I offered to help her, and although she is a kind of "do it yourself" girl, she says she will come & ask for help when she's screwed it up too badly to continue. So yeah for new knitters!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

So Charlie and I (that's the husband of 8 years for any of you who don't know) decided that we hadn't been out to dinner in a long time and we needed it. I had just made a rather large paycheck (well, large for me, not large in the grand scheme of things, I'm sure) due to a few hours of overtime and 5 hours of work on a Sunday for which they pay time and a half. So after much debate, we decided on Indigo Casual Gourmet in Ft. Mitchell. Now, when Charlie mentioned going to this place, I initially rejected it. We tried to go there for my birthday last year. When we walked into the joint, it reeked of Applebee's in atmosphere. They were having some sort of game night, people were drunk and yelling at the bar, there was a 2 hour wait for a table & it just wasn't for us. I couldn't figure out why he wanted to go there, but he assured me it was not always like that.

And he was right. We got there around 6pm on Friday night and there were very few people in the place. We were seated right away at a table near the bar to which my only complaint would be that the heating vent which was right under my chair was blowing luke warm air at me, but my hand knitted shawl made up for that! The waitress was mostly competent, although I did ask for her choice on the menu and she did not seem to understand the question & just pointed out that "the vegetarian selections are noted with a 'V.'" I ended up ordering the basil cream pasta over penne pasta. I balked a bit at the price of $16.95 for a plate of pasta, but the good husband encouraged me to order what I wanted and I did! We also got salads, they have a wonderful soy ginger dressing, breadsticks and a couple glasses of wine. When the pasta arrived, I was a little sad at how small the plate was. I figured I would have plenty left over to take home at $16.95 but in reality I only packed up about 1/3 of it and that was more out of sheer will to do it than anything else! It was good, I liked it, but not quite $16.95 liked it. Maybe $10.95 liked it. The desserts were much more reasonably priced and I got a slice of carrot cake from Bon Bonnerie for about $4. All in all, it was a nice meal and a nice evening with the husband.

In other news (knitting news that is) I've just about finished up my friend Mike's fingerless mitts that I am making him to match his hat. He really liked the hat and I bought too much yarn so I thought I'd whip him something up to match. But I'm excited to finish them because after that I get to start on some baby booties for a girl at work who is pregnant & having a shower in a couple weeks. I'm going to use this Magic Slipper pattern I found on Ravelry & looks easy enough for a non-sock knitter to make. We shall see about that soon enough!

Friday, January 16, 2009

So it begins....

Well, it seemed like time to get my own. Blog that is. So here we go.

I'm not quite 30, been married for 8 years to a great guy, work as a veterinary technician at a very busy hospital, have 4 cats & a dog & I am a knitter. (Yup. Another knitting blog.)

But I hope it will be more than just a knitting blog. While it's a big part of my life, I'm also into food (vegetarian food at that), good movies (indy films anyone?) and I'm a bit of a geek (in the Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter vein of geek).

So I plan to just let you read a bit about my life on perhaps a weekly basis. Let you know if I've found any good restaurants, seen any good movies, or seriously screwed up any of my knitting (which happens more than the other 2 things, I promise!)

Drop me a line to let me know you've been here!