Monday, February 2, 2009

Meet the crew!

Not a darn thing going on this week to talk about. Work has kinda gone in the crapper, we're broke & living on ramen noodles & I really freakin' hate all this snow!

I finished my hat, which I love. Cable & Eyelet hat done Wear it all the time! Now I'm using the cable pattern on a fingerless mitt pattern with a different cable to make mitts that match since I had so much yarn left over! Gonna love those, too!

But really, that's it. Kinda dull. So I think I'll introduce you to the rest of the crew. Yup. You guessed it. I have cats. And a dog. And I love them. And so will you.

First we have Zoe. Zoe in the light She was the first to come live with us. Charlie wanted to get me something I'd really love for my 20th birthday, so he took me to the ASPCA to pick out a pet. I of course picked the cute, cuddly tabby kitten. And he picked her. We took her home the following day & I have been in love since. She is no doubt the most beautiful cat in the whole world. Her hobbies include being aloof, stealing food from your plate & sleeping with Charlie, not so much me. (She knows who picked her from the cage, I think. He's clearly her favorite.)

Next up we have Lucy. Lucy Loomer She picked us when she was sitting under my apartment window yowling one night. I went outside, she came running up to me, I lifted her into my arms & she hugged me! That was it, I was done for. Now, she's not the world's brightest crayon, I don't think. Her hobbies include growling and hissing at the boys (see below for said boys), chasing her tail & planning world domination with her only tool, her sparkle ball.

Finally we have The Boys. First came Steve Upsidedown Steve(he's the joker) and next came Fred
ButteryBoo! who tends to be more serious. They are litter mates, and the story of how they came to me is long. The short of it is, I worked in a vet hospital and their mother was brought in still in labor & the owners wanted to put her down. I said no, went to surgery with the mom, she was leukemia positive & was euthanized & I hand raised the litter. When 6 weeks of age came I couldn't let these 2 go! The litter tested leukemia negative & the 2 others were adopted out. They provide hours & hours of entertainment for me & each other. Don't know what I'd do without them. They have hobbies that they tend to share such as licking each other, playing fetch, talking loudly at 2 am, taunting poor Lucy & walking across the mantle, the only place in the house where they are not allowed.

Last, but certainly not least, is my almost 11 year old greyhound, Jessie. Jess I got her when I was clearing off the advertisment board at work. One of those "Free to a good home" ads. She was a trade with my husband for digital cable. Meaning that if I could get a dog, he could get digital cable. Win win situation for me, I'd say. She's a wonderful dog. Loving, smart, funny, quiet, really, almost another cat! Her hobbies include sleeping on the couch, sleeping on the chair, and occasionally sleeping on her dog bed. She doesn't do much else, but that's okay. She came from the race track so she deserves a life of doing whatever she wants. And if sleeping is what she wants, so be it!

And that's it, kids! That's the whole crew! I don't know what I'm going to talk about the next time I have a boring week. Perhaps maybe I'll post a recipe? I do like a good soup....

1 comment:

  1. Hat is cute! So are animals, but I already knew that.

    Post a good soup recipe; I'm still sick.
